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For example:
Mireille Marcel Rachwan
OR Mireille M. Rachwan
OR Mireille Rachwan
Please note the exact name you write here will be printed on your certificates.
Mobile Number

For example: 009613674670
Alternative Number

For example: 009613284816
Personal Email

Login Email.
8 to 15 alphanumeric characters of password.
Work Email
Highest Degree Obtained

For students, kindly include the Current degree you are studying for and the year. For eg, BS, Year 3
Years of Experience
Current Work Place

Kindly include full names of the work place and not abbreviations. If not working, kindly state "Not Working".
Profession Title

For example:
Dietitian, Head Dietitian, Medical Doctor, Nutrition Student, Med Student
City and Country of Residence

For example:
Dubai, UAE
How did you know about the training

If Social Media, specify which Page
Future Training Topics of Interest To You
Refer 1 or 2 Emails of Colleagues